Is the Current Climate Change Man-Made?

Anthropogenic climate change refers to the major warming trend the Earth is currently experiencing due to human activities. The burning of fossil fuels the use of automobiles and machines in factories, the slash and burn practice in agriculture and the use of various chemicals add to the greenhouse gases already present in the atmosphere and those naturally produced on the planet’s surface.

But are we really to blame for the global warming and climate change? Not many really believe that human activities over the last hundred years have caused the surface temperatures to rise. Many anthropogenic climate change skeptics believe that climate change is a natural process.


Indeed, the planet naturally is capable of causing changes in climate primarily due to how it everything within it reacts to various influences. It is these complex integrated systems and processes that probably made Earth life-sustaining in the first place. Over the last 4.6 billion years the Earth’s climate has undergone several cycles of freezing and melting.  Long before humans ever came to being, the Earth’s climate has changed dramatically due to natural process including the movement of the Earth’s crust, plant and animal respiration, volcanic activities, and solar irradiance.

However, various evidences points that there have been unusual spikes in the emissions of greenhouse gases from the Earth’s surface. That basically means that other than the naturally occurring greenhouse gases, there are other sources. Various data collected by various agencies show that post-industrialization and post-war, there have been a steady rise in greenhouse gas emissions.

According to a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 1750 was 280 parts per million (ppm) and has risen up to 379ppm by 2005. In comparison, over the past 8, 000 years and just before 1750, the atmospheric CO2 increased only by 20ppm. Moreover, at the conclusion of the most recent ice age there was an estimated 80ppm increase.

Humanity have been working towards understanding life and the universe and have learned what the Earth’s atmosphere is made up of. Humanity has understood the systems and processes that naturally occur on this planet, humanity now knows how weather becomes and what drive changes in the weather or climate, humanity knows what gases are used and emitted by machines, humanity knows how biology impacts everything else. Humanity knows the implications of human activities on the planet. Will humanity own up to the fact that the current warming trend is caused by the general human population?

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